Interactive Data Widget (Not great on mobile)

You are viewing values measured for 31 fish species across 8 variables -- called "parallel coordinates"

Three genetic variables: Hs = average within-site genetic diversity; Ht = total genetic diversity; Gst = genetic differentiation among sites

Five trait variables: Surface = feeding primarily at the surface (1) or not (0); TempPref = temperature preference (Higher values = warmer); EggSize = average size of eggs; MaxTL = maximum total length; SpawnLength = length in months of spawning season

Species lines (the colored lines that intersect the coordinates) are colored by Hs (site diversity) cooler colors = lower diversity and warmer colors = higher diversity

How to interact

"Grab" vertical coordinates by clicking and holding on the variable name to move it next to other coordinates for comparison

When colored lines (representing species) are parallel between two coordinates it indicates a positive relationship between the two variables

When the same lines intersect instead it indicates a negative relationship between the two variables

You can choose to display only species within a range of any variable by hovering your curser over a parallel coordinate and clicking on it to create a distribution